I mentioned earlier that the Master Naturalist database on Pollinator Plants of Virginia disappeared partway through the semester. I just discovered a section on the website for “completed expeditions,” that is, projects where all the specimens have been sufficiently transcribed. Lo and behold, Pollinator Plants of Virginia is finished!

Master Naturalists (and any other volunteers, if there in fact were any) transcribed 4673 specimens in just 70 days. Remember, that means that several people worked on the same specimens to ensure accuracy, so the number of transcriptions is in fact much higher.  You can see from the screenshots that we worked faster than some of the comparable projects. Way to go Master Naturalists!

Here are just some of the other completed plant projects. Looks like the volunteers have been hard at work.
Check out the stats for number of specimens and time to complete. Master Naturalists must work quickly!

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